A blog, by a photographer? Why would I want to read that?...
I am not going to lie, that would also be my exact thought as well… But hey, you’ve somehow found yourself here! So sit back, relax and have a good read...
I’m not quite sure why I’ve decided publishing a blog would be a good idea to do on my own professional photography website. Although apparently, it may help with my SEO rankings (Search Engine Optimisation). It’s just a fancy way of getting on to the first page of google and hopefully, be found by new prospective clients (you? *finger’s crossed*). After all, this is my own independent business and somehow, I’ve got to make a living, right?
I’ve always thought about blogging and what my ‘topic’ of conversation would be, I have a friend who writes mainly about beauty and is absolutely amazing at it (ChelseasGuide.com), and I know another who writes about mental health and over the years I’ve worked with many bloggers or ‘influencers’ who like to write about a number of different things. You can guarantee there is pretty much a blog for everything!
Seeing as this is published on my own photography website, it only makes sense to talk about photography related content, right?... Fingers crossed we can stick to it unless I randomly decide to write a blog on my unhealthy obsession with Dachshund’s....(Let’s come back to that another day)
As I’m writing this, I can’t help but feel like Carrie Bradshaw, from Sex and the City. Writing long into the evening about her thoughts and desires. It is actually quite therapeutic.
Then I have to remember that I’m also a young, Asian male with a trimmed-beard living in West Yorkshire…#RealityCheck
If you’ve made it this far down my first ever blog, which is equal to a 1-page word document. Congratulations you’ve almost made it to the end!
My aim for the long run is to be updating and populating this section of my website with coverage from the different events that I’ve been fortunate enough photograph.
Giving you an overview of the Wedding’s, Birthdays and any other wonderful events...with the occasional off-topic blog thrown in-between!
Snap you later!